a letra aの例文
- Martin contributed playing drums on two albums by Nando Reis a Brazilian musician : " Para Quando O Arco Ir韘 Encontrar O Pote de Ouro " ( 2000 ) together with Peter Buck from R . E . M . and " A Letra A " ( 2003 ).
- ""'A Letra A " " "'( The Letter A ) " is the fourth solo album released by Brazilian musician Nando Reis, and the first one after his departure from Tit鉺, where he sang and played the bass guitar . " Mesmo Sozinho " was previously recorded by Nando with Tit鉺 on the album " A Melhor Banda de Todos os Tempos da 趌tima Semana ", the last to feature him, and " Luz dos Olhos " was recorded live by C醩sia Eller on her " Ac鷖tico MTV " album.